
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames


Most of us can buy tortillas just about anywhere.  But, sometimes, gluten free tortillas can be hard to find.  It’s worth the extra effort to enjoy a freshly made, hot tortilla.  I’ll show you how.

The Stuff You Need:

2 cups Masa Harina (Corn flour, not corn meal)

1 & 3/4 cups water, approximately

Useful equipment:  Tortilla press – or – rolling pin

Plastic Baggies – or – parchment paper

Cast iron griddle or skillet

Digital scale

Damp dish towel

Here's How It's Done:

  1.  Combine the corn flour and water together in a mixing bowl and work well until the dough forms a cohesive ball.  It shouldn’t be too dry or too sticky because initially you will be forming the dough with your hands.
  2. Divide the dough into 15 equal parts and roll into balls.  I use my digital scale and have discovered that 1.6 ounces is just right.  Keep finished dough balls covered so they don’t dry out.
  3. Heat your griddle or skillet over medium heat.
  4. If you don’t have a tortilla press, you can flatten your tortillas between two sheets of parchment paper, using a rolling pin.  Do Not pre-flatten all your tortillas at the same time because they will dry out or stick to the parchment paper.  Flatten and grill the tortillas one at a time.
  5. If you have a tortilla press, open it up and line the bottom plate with a plastic baggie.  Place a dough ball near the center, but closer toward the hinged side, so it has room to spread out.  Cover the dough ball with a second plastic baggie and close the press.  Press gently on the handle, then open the press and gently flip the tortilla onto your hand.  Peel off the plastic and gently place the tortilla onto the griddle.  Try to place it as flat as possible.
  6. Bake the tortilla for 15 seconds, flip and bake for 30 seconds, flip back to the first side and bake another 15 seconds.  It should puff a little on the last flip, but don’t worry too much if it doesn’t.  When it’s done there will be light brown flecks on both sides of the tortilla.
  7. Keep warm in the damp towel, stacking them up as you go.


Tortillas can be frozen but you might want to put wax paper between them.

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