
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

The 7 Deadly Nacho Sins

Nachos are pretty simple, right? You would think it would be rather hard to screw it up.

Sadly, it has been my experience that many restaurants do not truly understand the beauty of nachos. I have been disappointed by the following epic nacho fails.

  1. Not enough cheese! Why do they skimp on that? You might as well open a bag of corn chips and eat them dry, right out of the bag.

  2. Failure to layer the cheese in between layers of chips. No!! What little cheese they offer is just lazily plopped on top of a chip mountain.  After only a few bites you have nothing left but a pile of boring corn chips.  I paid $15.00 for that?!

  3. The chips are too thin, so you can’t scoop up any of the toppings without the chips breaking. Very frustrating.

  4. Too much salsa or chili piled directly on the nachos, making them soggy and forcing you to eat them with a knife and fork. It’s nachos people! Think it through.

  5. There’s never enough guacamole on the side, or any other sides like sour cream or refried beans.  And then, the server inevitably disappears so you can’t ask for more.

  6. Nachos should always, always, always be served with side plates and plenty of extra napkins. Maybe even a bib as well.

  7. Lack of imagination with the toppings. Most places offer just chicken or beef. What about beans? Maybe fish or shrimp would be nice. And why so stingy on the vegetables? I like things like scallions, chopped tomatoes, corn, cubed avocado, jalapeno, black olives. We could be doing so much more with nachos.

  8. There is an old saying that if you want something done right, you will probably have to do it yourself.  This girl, for one, will not be wasting money on nacho disappointments in the future.  I’ll bloody well make them myself.

Super Nachos

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