
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

Tarragon & Basil Vinaigrette

We were sitting around a week or so ago, discussing the evening meal while enjoying a Dirty Martini, one of our favorites.  We’d finished yet another jar of olives and while transferring the leftover olive brine into our reserve jar, I got an idea.  We had a few sprigs of tarragon that we wanted to utilize before it went south, so I stuffed the tarragon into the brine jar.  About a week later we made Dirty Martinis, using the tarragon brine.  That was quite tasty!  A few days after that, we used the tarragon and olive brine in a simple vinaigrette and that was very satisfying too.  A few days ago we noticed one of our basil plants was looking a bit yellow and unhappy, so we sacrificed it to the blender,  added about 2 cups vegetable oil and blitzed it up.  We then strained the pulp out.  At first it looked brown and very unappealing, but be patient.  Once settled, you can ladle the light green oil off the top and you will have something amazing.  You can use it as salad dressing alone, or add it to other dressing recipes for amplified flavor.  You can also cook with the basil oil or use a light drizzle as a garnish.

The Stuff You Need:

For every 1/3 cup Basil Oil, add 2 tablespoons Tarragon Brine.  This makes enough for 2 servings.

For 4 servings, combine 1/4 cup Tarragon Brine to 2/3 cup Basil Oil.

Here's How It's Done:

  1. Put it in a jar that seals tight and shake before serving.  It’s that simple.

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