
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

Pumpkin Cheesecake with Ginger Cookie Crust

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional Thanksgiving desserts, we have a winner with this one.  If you are already a big pumpkin fan, please don’t feel like you have to wait for fall to enjoy this.  Why deprive yourself?

The Stuff You Need:

This recipe makes one small 7 to 8″ cheesecake.  Feel free to double it for a large 10″ cheesecake.

1 Prepared Ginger Cookie Crust, already in your spring-form pan. (See Molasses Ginger Cookie recipe in “Sweets” section of this blog)

1 pound Cream Cheese – or – Mascarpone*

3/4 cup Sugar

1/4 cup Sour Cream

2 Eggs

1 cup Pumpkin puree

1/4 teaspoon Vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon ground Cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground Cloves

1/8 teaspoon ground Nutmeg

Here's How It's Done:

  1. In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese, sugar, sour cream and eggs until smooth.  If you have a mixer, use it with the paddle attachment and beat for a few minutes.
  2. Blend in the pumpkin puree, vanilla and spices until well mixed.
  3. Prepare your cheesecake pan.  If you are uncertain whether your spring-form pan might leak or not, you can prevent disaster by first wrapping the bottom of the pan in plastic wrap and then cover the bottom of the pan with foil, leaving no plastic wrap exposed.
  4. Place the wrapped spring-form pan inside another larger baking dish with sides at least 2 inches high.
  5. Pour cheesecake batter on top of cookie crust in the spring-form pan.
  6. Pour water into the outside pan, the water bath, up to 1 inch high, being careful not to splash water on the cheesecake batter.
  7. Carefully place the cheesecake on the center rack in the oven.
  8. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour.
  9. Cool and refrigerate before serving.**  Garnish with whipped cream, if desired.


*You can also use Neufchatel for a low fat version.

**Remove the cheesecake from the water bath as soon as can be safely handled.  Ideally, it should fully cool on a rack.  Don’t put it in the fridge too soon.  Wait until it’s room temp or it might crack.  Wrap the top with plastic wrap and leave the collar on until ready to serve.

To serve, remove the collar.  Use a hot, wet knife to cut into 8 portions.  You might have to wipe off the knife between cuts.  When you lift the individual slices out, keep an eye out for the parchment paper you lined the pan with and peel it off before plating.

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