
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

Knife & Fork Burger

Sometimes you just want a big, fat, juicy burger, right?  But, son of a gun, you can’t have the fluffy traditional burger bun.  Darn it.  Yes, gluten free buns are available, but I’ve never tried one that was exceptional, so why bother?  And who needs extra carbs anyway?  So, go ahead and have that burger, just skip the bun entirely.  But, it won’t be the same, you say?  You are right.  It will be even better.  Trust me.

The Stuff You Need:

For each person:

1 four-ounce ground beef* patty

2 slices American cheese

1 slice thick cut bacon

1/2 Mushroom, sliced thinly

2 slices Roma tomato

4 to 6 leaves Bibb lettuce

Garnish with thinly sliced Red Onion, thinly sliced Radish, and a few Black Olives.

Dressing of your choice.  Any one of My Blue Kitchen’s culinary oils would work beautifully here.

Here's How It's Done:

  1. Form your ground beef or turkey into patties, 4 ounces each.  Season with salt & pepper and set aside.
  2. Cook your bacon.  I like to cook mine in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, checking to see if they are done every 7 minutes.  See the notes below for something cool we did with our bacon last night.**
  3. While the bacon is cooking, arrange the lettuce on plates and slice your tomatoes, onions, radishes, etc.
  4. Cook your burgers to desired temp; rare, medium-rare, done, or well-done on the grill or in a frying pan on your stove.  We like a frying pan so you don’t loose all the juice.  You can also use a lid or inverted bowl to speed up the melting of the cheese.
  5. When the burgers are done, place them on top of your lettuce leaves and garnish with tomato slices, onion and radish.  Drizzle a little dressing on the greens, if you like.
  6. And that’s it, you’re done.  Feel smug that you just avoided a carb load and still had a good time.


*Ground beef – feel free to substitute ground turkey, if you prefer.

**Fun with bacon – I love bacon on a burger and I also love mushrooms, but if you are enjoying your mushroom burger on a gluten free bun, sometimes the mushrooms escape.  So, I placed my thinly sliced mushrooms right on top of my bacon strips.  Might look a little weird to you, but I assure you it was delicious and no mushrooms managed to evade my fork.

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