
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

Everything Culinary Oils

I can’t put into words how excited I am about this project. These culinary oils put into practice much of what I like to talk about, keep it stupid simple and the flavors will speak for themselves. I was talking with my cousin recently about this stuff, and she said that sure sounds delicious enough for me to buy, but what the hell do I do with it after I’ve bought it?  I’ve never seen anything like it! With nearly thirty years of food, beverage and hospitality experience under my belt, I’ve developed a very sharp sense of what belongs in my own kitchen. It’s settled, and my family and friends know better than to fight me on this: Simple strong flavors from simple strong ingredients. Through both local merchants and an online store, I’m sticking to that principle and offering to you, and anybody, a line of market-unique culinary oils to jazz up your favorite foods, make you look like a star, improve your day, and even fix your relationship problems (well, maybe that one is BS, I can’t say that in public, sorry). Using this stuff is totally up to your imagination, but here are some ways I’ve quite successfully enjoyed these different oils: And here we go, the stars of our show. Ancho Pepper Oil – has all of the flavor and none of the heat, made with dried Ancho peppers from Mexico. Basil Oil – made with locally sourced fresh basil leaves. Who doesn’t like the flavor of Italian sunshine? Lemon Oil – A Mediterranean vacation for the palate. All the depth and wonder of good citrus without the acidic bite. Sun Dried Tomato Oil – made with Italian sun dried tomatoes. Enjoy the taste of summer all year long.   Check them out at my online store  Check them out at a local merchant

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Culinary Oils Uses and Recipes

Ancho Oil (17) Basil Oil (10) Lemon Oil (18)

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