
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames

Salisbury Steak

Salisbury steak.  What is so exciting about that?  Well, quite a lot, actually.  It’s affordable because it is made with ground beef.  Okay, maybe not as affordable as when we were kids, but still.  It’s comfort food that most of us remember fondly from childhood and in that respect, I thought it was important to include it here. This recipe is interactive because you have to mix and shape it with your hands; get in touch with your primal side (or make the kids do it for you).  It all goes together in one bowl, so fewer dishes to wash.  That’s a win-win, right?  Best of all, it comes with gravy, and for most of us, that’s all we need to hear.  That one magic word: gravy.  Say it with me.  Gravy.  Say it with reverence.  Gravy.  Say it like you haven’t had any in months and if you don’t, PDQ, you just might cry.  GRAVY!  Say it like it’s your lover’s name.  Gravy . . .

The Stuff You Need:

1 pound ground Beef

2 Egg yolks

1/3 Cup Onion, finely chopped

1/4 Bread Crumbs (Feel free to use gluten free) **

1 teaspoon fresh Sage, minced; or ½ teaspoon dried sage

Kosher Salt and fresh ground Pepper

3 Tablespoons Butter

8 ounces fresh Mushrooms; thinly sliced

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

2 Tablespoons AP Flour (or any gluten free flour)

1 & ½ Cups water – or – Beef broth – or – reserved pasta or potato water

Chopped fresh Parsley, for garnish

Serve over Mashed Potatoes, Egg Noodles, or gluten free Pasta

Here's How It's Done:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Into a large bowl, combine the egg, ground beef, onion, bread crumbs, sage, ½ teaspoon salt and a few grinds of fresh pepper. Wash your hands, take off any rings and mix with your hands.*
  3. Divide into four equal portions and form each into an oval shaped patty; about a half an inch thick.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon butter to a large skillet and heat over medium high heat. When the butter is melted, add all four patties and brown for about 4 minutes then flip them and brown the other side for 4 minutes.
  5. Transfer the patties to an oven-proof plate, skillet or pie pan and keep them warm in the oven.
  6. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in the skillet and brown the mushrooms for about 2 minutes.
  7. Put your 2 tablespoons of flour on top of your cooked mushrooms and stir to combine.  Add 1 cup broth and the Worcestershire.  Stir and simmer until the gravy begins to thicken. Add the last tablespoon of butter.  Thin with water, broth or wine if too thick.
  8. Return the patties and juice to the skillet. Simmer until sauce thickens and patties are heated through. Garnish with parsley, if desired, and serve with egg noodles or mashed potatoes.


Notes:  I like the 80% meat to 20% fat ratio but you can use a leaner mix if you prefer.  Use less bread crumbs for lean ground beef or grass fed because there is less fat in these types of ground beef and too much bread crumbs will make your patties dry.

I have suggested above that you can serve this dish with egg noodles or mashed potato.  If you choose either, you can reserve a cup or so of the pasta or potato water to make your gravy, instead of just plain water.

*I hope you are not going to be a precious little princess about getting your hands dirty and mixing your meat the old fashioned way, but if you are, I have a few alternatives.  You can combine your meat in a mixer with the paddle attachment, if you have a mixer (you do, don’t you?).  Another way is to throw it all in a Ziploc bag, seal it and then go to town.  But, you are still going to have to shape it by hand, so there.  Unless you have someone to do that for you too.  If you are still refusing to play along then maybe it might be easier to put the bags on your hands and then shape the patties.  Things could get slippery.  Try to keep your meat off the floor.  Good luck.

**If you are Gluten free, start saving your gluten free bread ends in a paper bag.  When dried through, grind them up and store in an airtight container.  You do not have to pay extra money for gluten free bread crumbs.  You can make your own.  Don’t fall for that.

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