
My Blue Kitchen

Where Confidence Reluctance and Sass Come To A Boil

Badass Burning Flames


The 7 Deadly Nacho Sins

April 23, 2024

"Nachos are pretty simple, right? You would think it would be rather hard to screw it up."

Everything Culinary Oils

January 24, 2021

"It's settled, and my family and friends know better than to fight me on this: the simple strong flavors from the simple strong ingredients of my culinary oils will always get you the very best meals."

Cloth Face Masks

April 13, 2020

"Click or tap here to see pictures of what is currently available. Keep safe & Tie One On!"

Cooking Equipment – Part II

September 7, 2018

Essential Cooking Equipment

September 7, 2018

"If you are just starting out, or have little to no cooking gear on hand, this is the stuff you will need first.  Okay, so let's get cracking."

Misadventures in Gluten Free Baking

September 13, 2017

"I wanted to make bread. I just wanted to be able to have toast with my eggs in the morning. Maybe something as simple as a sandwich. I followed the recipe to. the. letter."
